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Walker Education Center

The Katy & E. Don Walker Sr. Education Center is an exhibit and information center, part of the Sam Houston Memorial Museum Complex. It is along 19th Street on the southwest corner of the museum grounds, west of the main campus. The $1.8-million, 18,500-square-foot center houses an exhibit gallery, auditorium, a Sam Houston and Texas History library, and artifact room. The facility was built as a result of the Gen. Sam Houston Bicentennial celebration in honor of Gen. Sam Houston's 200th birthday on March 2, 1993. The center is named in honor of E. Don Walker and his wife, the former Kathryn Marie Keneaster, who met while students at Sam Houston State in the early 1940s. He retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System in 1984.

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The Katy & E. Don Walker Sr. Education Center is an exhibit and information center, part of the Sam Houston Memorial Museum Complex. It is along 19th Street on the southwest corner of the museum grounds, west of the main campus.

The $1.8-million, 18,500-square-foot center houses an exhibit gallery, auditorium, a Sam Houston and Texas History library, and artifact room.

The facility was built as a result of the Gen. Sam Houston Bicentennial celebration in honor of Gen. Sam Houston's 200th birthday on March 2, 1993.

The center is named in honor of E. Don Walker and his wife, the former Kathryn Marie Keneaster, who met while students at Sam Houston State in the early 1940s. He retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System in 1984.

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