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1836 Sam Houston Avenue, Huntsville, Texas #museum
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The Sam Houston Memorial Museum is proud to celebrate Black History Month.  This year’s exhibit features three key members on the Houston Homestead: Joshua Houston, Eliza Revel, and Jeff Hamilton.  The exhibit is featured in the Rotunda of the Memorial Museum and throughout the museum grounds and historical buildings.  Each of these people were born into slavery and though their journeys were different, all eventually found themselves working and caring for the Houston family.  They performed duties that were essential to the success of Sam Houston’s legacy until becoming freed citizens after emancipation.

This exhibit features information about each individual mentioned above with photos, documents, and artifacts previously never on display, including a plow blade forged by Joshua Houston.  The museum’s goal is to pay deserved respect and honor not only to Sam Houston, but to all who lived and worked to contribute to his life.

The Black History Month Exhibit will be on display from February 2 – February 28, 2021.  

For the safety of our entire university community, you will be required to wear a face covering and practice social distancing at all on-campus events.

For more information contact the SHMM at 936-294-1832 or email

  • Zia Williams

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