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801 Bowers Blvd #202 Huntsville, Texas 77340 #SHSURecSports
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If you are looking for a full-body workout that will help you tone up from head to toe, look no further! Your certified personal trainer will lead you through different intervals to help get you the workout you've been looking for. (Classes are Free during Demo Days Jan 13 - 26 and Sweat the Stress Apr. 27-May 6)

Tuesdays - 7 - 7:45 a.m. - (Jan. 28 - Apr. 21)

Wednesdays - 7:15 - 8 p.m. - (Jan. 29 - Apr. 22)

Sundays - 6:15 - 7 p.m. - (Feb. 2 - Apr. 26)

$15 students/$20 non-students

Price covers the class day of your choice for 12-weeks.

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